A Farewell to Koozie

There are a few things in life I look forward to…one of them is waking up in the morning.  If I have done that, then there are boundless opportunities for me in that day.

Another thing I look forward to is the annual “family night” at my friends’ deer camp.  It is held the last Saturday of the second week of modern gun deer season.  Oh, the food is to die for!  I wish I had taken a picture of the “cook” shack.  This is the sweetest place you have ever seen in a camp area…military style canvas building with all the amenities of a professional kitchen.  There are refrigerators and freezers and stoves.  It’s heated…it’s BEAUTIFUL!   The guys work all day getting it ready for the guests.  When I arrive at the camp, dressed in my warmest attire complete with long underwear and wooliest socks inside of boots, I am greeted by a multitude of the kindest, sweetest people one could ever hope to meet.  It is simply the greatest event of the year.  Everyone is so happy to see one another.  There are usually stories being told and drinks being drank…..which leads me to my Koozie….

I have had a red koozie forever.  If you see many pictures of me…you can bet you will see my red koozie somewhere in the background.  That koozie has been with me to Brazil, New Orleans, South Carolina, Kentucky and all points in between.  That koozie always had a place in my luggage and was one of the first things I would pull out of my suitcase.  I’m pretty sure I’ve had that koozie for about 15+ years.

Tonight. I put it in the car (or so I thought) as we headed to deer camp.  When we arrived and parked..the boys unloaded and I started looking for my koozie….I was a little crazy because I couldn’t find it.  When I walked up to the campfire without my koozie, my BFF began to give me grief….apparently she had told a few people about my pitiful koozie.  She said it was orange, which, I guess it looked a little orange to her because it had aged, but to me, my old k-buddy was still red….but it was now gone.  That koozie has been with me through much laughter and many tears. Many lives and passings have  been shared with that red Koozie in hand.  It’s weird how you can become attached to an inanimate object like that.  Attached I was….there will not be another koozie that will fit my hand or my beer as perfectly as that one did.  But I will move on…..he is gone….I’m sad…I’m very sad…….